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Install Arcan

Requirements for native Docker execution mode

Requirements for VM-based Docker execution mode using Vagrant

  • Vagrant
  • VirtualBox

How to run Arcan locally

First, Clone or download Arcan from Github. Then, follow the instructions below.

Obtain the licence file

  • Fill in this form. You will receive the license at the provided email address.
  • Open the email and download the attached ArcanLicence_YYYYMMDD licence file.
  • Copy the ArcanLicence_YYYYMMDD licence file to the licences directory.

Configure the environment

  • Copy the content of the .env.example file into a new file named .env.
  • Change the value of the variable ARCAN_LICENCE_FILENAME with the name of licence file you copied in the licences directory.

Run Arcan with native Docker execution mode

  • To run the Arcan dashboard and the server, open your favourite terminal and navigate to the /arcan-trial folder. Within the folder execute: docker compose up.
  • You will find the dashboard at http://localhost:3000.
  • To analyse a remote project, simply use the remote repo url when creating a new project. If the repo is private, remember to use a personal access token as password (see the documentation for more info).
  • To analyse a local project, copy the project folder into /arcan-trial/projects. When creating a new project, specify the path to analyse as follows: ./projects/<folder_name> (see the documentation for more info).

Run Arcan with VM-based Docker execution mode using Vagrant

  • To run the Arcan dashboard and the server, open your favourite terminal and navigate to the /arcan-trial folder. Within the folder execute: vagrant up.
  • You will find the dashboard at http://localhost:3000.
  • To analyse a remote project, use the remote repo URL when creating a new project. If the repository is private, remember to use a personal access token as password by ticking the "Project requires authentication" box (see How to analyse a remote repository for more info).
  • To analyse a local project, copy the project folder into /arcan-trial/projects. When creating a new project, specify the path to analyse as follows: ./projects/<folder_name> (see How to analyse a local repository for more info).


Should you need to update to the latest Arcan version:

  • Open the .env file. Change the value of the variable ARCAN_DASHBOARD_VERSION with the latest Arcan dashboard version tag. You can find the latest version here.
  • Change the value of the variable ARCAN_SERVER_VERSION with the latest Arcan server version tag. You can find the latest version here.